Hosted for Redbox!
Yesterday my buddy Ed and I got to host a live event for Redbox! If you missed it, check us out: https://www.facebook.com/redbox/videos/1...
National TV Spot! Next stop, Nashville!
Hey everyone! I can't tell you what the commercial is for, but I just booked a big one. I'm flying to Nashville to shoot, and I'm over...
Voiceover Gig: Booked.
Hey world! i just booked a voiceover gig for a little piece in which i'm voicing an Amazon echo-dot "Alexa" type of gadget. Stay tuned!

On The Case With Paula Zahn
Just shot an episode of "On The Case With Paula Zahn!" Can't wait to see it on TV next year. I'll give you a sneak preview—my character...